合作單位 (Client) | 翻譯方向 (Translation Direction) | 文本類型 (Text Type) | 文本名稱 (Text Title)
- 英翻中 (E to C)
- 中翻英 (C to E)
Below is by no means an exhaustive list of all the texts that I have worked on, but only those which could be easily categorized. For details, please download my CV.
大愛電視台 Daai TV | 英翻中 E to C | 字幕 Subtitle
貪婪的大腦 The Greedy Brain
青春永駐 第二集 Forever Young esp 2
青春永駐 第三集 Forever Young esp 3
與藥為伍的孩子—藥罐外的幸福 Kids on Pills – Happiness out of a Bottle
支配世界的數學法則:數字 The Code_Numbers
支配世界的數學法則:預測 The Code_Prediction
支配世界的數學法則:形狀 The Code_Shapes
東非動物大遷徙 The Greatest Animal Migration on Earth
天外奇音 Alien Sounds
你不可不知的科學—宇宙奧秘 Things You Need to Know about Science—The Universe
生命力 — 馬達加斯加 Life Force—Madagascar
美麗的地球—海洋 Amazing Planet_Ocean Realm
瀕危鯊魚的真相 Sharks at Risk
地球的淨土—貝里斯 Somewhere on Earth_Belize
地球的淨土—哥斯大黎加 Somewhere on Earth_Costa Rica
地球的淨土—埃及 Somewhere on Earth_Egypt
地球的淨土—密克羅尼西亞 Somewhere on Earth_Micronesia
地球的淨土—坦尚尼亞 Somewhere on Earth_Tanzania
大雨燕的避風港:伊瓜蘇瀑布 Safe Haven: Iguazu Falls
叢林樹冠層的生態:蜜熊 Life in the Jungle Canopy Kinkajou
垃圾堆裡的夢想 Dusty Bin Dreams
小塔西和僧侶爸爸 Tashi and the Monk
多胞胎父母的育兒經 Meet the Multiples
佛萊的語文世界 — 語言與民族認同 FRY's planet word_Identity
人類非物質文化遺產—蒙古馬頭琴 Living cultures_Morin Khuur
人類非物質文化遺產—柬埔寨少女與猴子 Living cultures_The young Girl and the Monkey
人類非物質文化遺產—扎菲馬尼里人的木雕工藝 Living cultures_Magicians of woodcraft
美國監獄的年輕女囚 Meeting the young Americans: girls behind bars
尼泊爾水晶山的朝聖之旅 Nepal Journey to the Crystal Mountain
提升溝通能力的秘訣 Being A Better Communicator
決定產品服務組合的策略 Deciding Your Product-Service Mix
聯合行銷 Joint Venture Marketing
超級業務員的必勝銷售法 Superstar Selling Strategies
打造統包式的營運模式 Create A Turnkey Business
建立學習型組織 Build A Learning Organization
簡化你的生活 Simplify Your Life
企業的概念 The Concept of the Corporation
市場的功能 The Function of the Market
商業經濟學的定律 The Laws of Business Economics
創業活動的必備條件 The Necessary Conditions for Entrepreneurship
做好時間管理 Managing Your Time
國家地理雜誌中文網 National Geographic | 英翻中 E to C | 文章 Article
全色盲藝術家成為全球首位半機械人 How a Color-Blind Artist Became the World’s First Cyborg
這些照片讓你覺得噁心?你或許有密集恐懼症! If These Photos Disgust You, You May Have Trypophobia
鬼蝠魟為何優雅地繞圈游泳? Why Manta Rays Swim in Mesmerizing Circles
2100年的南亞恐濕熱到致命 Parts of Asia May Be Too Hot for People by 2100
環尾狐猴語言初解密 We Are Beginning to Decode Ring-Tailed Lemur Language
冬臨北國仙境 In Japan's Northern Wonderland, Winter Is Coming
聯合國將啟動公海保育公約談判 The UN Starts a Conservation Treaty for the High Seas
激發創意的六種方法 6 Ways to Spark Your Creativity
永續旅遊的六種方法 6 Ways to Be a More Sustainable Traveler
埃及修道院發現「醫學之父」處方 Text by 'Father of Medicine' Found in Remote Egyptian Monastery
滿天彩色神佛的寺廟 This Temple Is Covered in Thousands of Colorful Statues
鏡頭下的昔日未來—膠囊住宅的真實世界 Pictures Reveal Life Inside Tiny Futuristic Cubes
中油 CPC | 中翻英 C to E | 文章 Article
台灣首座專用港深澳中心深耕在地四十載 The 40-year Dedication of Taiwan’s First Specialized Port — Shen’ao Centre
大林煉油廠 優良油品的供應者 Dalin Refinery — the Best Quality Oil Supplier
桃園煉油廠 打造優質油品生產基地 Taoyuan Refinery—the Quality Oil Producer
熱血相挺挽袖為社會加油 CPC Rolls Up Sleeves to Serve the Society
中油致力環保成效優良獲獎肯定 CPC’s Dedication to Environmental Protection Recognized
產業生態共生共榮 潔淨能源邁向永續 Developing Economy with Sustainable Clean Energy
安環優先 承擔供應任務 A Corporate Citizen Who Puts Environment, Safety, and Health First
國家公園季刊 National Park Quarterly | 中翻英 C to E | 文章 Article
珍貴的禮物 – 紐西蘭通加里羅國家公園 The Sacred Gift—Tongariro National Park in New Zealand
瑰寶重生 – 國家公園停採礦場的再造與利用 Rebirth of Treasures—Transformation of Discontinued Mines in National Parks
臺灣赤楊與赤楊金花蟲的生態之爭 – 玉山國家公園塔塔加地區臺灣赤楊的追蹤紀錄 The Battle between Formosan Alder and Leaf Beetle—Keeping Tabs on Formosan Alder in Tataka Area in Kushan National Park
向山問情 追光躡影 – 專訪攝影大師陳炳元 Emotional Exchanges with Mountains—An Interview with Photographer Ping-yuan Chen
探訪彩虹國度 – 南非開普敦市見習之旅 A Visit to the Rainbow Nation—Learning from Cape Town in South Africa
南岬明燈 山海記憶 The Lighthouse of South Cape in Memory
Tasting Kitchen (TK) | 英翻中 E to C | 文章 Article
客戶回饋 (Client Feedback) :
◎"It is such a big help that you are so good at what you do -- so careful and so dependable. Making this magazine would be impossible without great and timely translations like yours." —Jeff, Tasting Kitchen Magazine Writer
「很感謝您提供專業的作品,用詞嚴謹適切且值得信賴。因為有了您準時且道地的翻譯內容,我們的雜誌才能每每如期的發行。」 -Tasting Kitchen雜誌作家Jeff先生
◎"The Chinese titles on the cover were really well done—Donna really understood what the titles meant and didn't just do a literal translation. She did a great job of every single piece in this issue." —Joey Cheang, Tasting Kitchen Magazine Editing Director
「中文翻譯所下的標題非常好,Donna不僅懂得英文標題的意涵,並且內化後下了適當的中文標題,而非僅逐字翻譯。在這一期的每篇作品中,她表現的可圈可點。"」 -Tasting Kitchen雜誌主編
◎"Just wanted to let you know that the translation was very good: clear in style, accurate, and neat." —Helene Wong, Tasting Kitchen Magazine Editor
「想藉此機會表達我們對譯文的讚賞-道地的風格,精確簡潔的翻譯內容。」 -Tasting Kitchen雜誌編輯
◎"I want to say, I can't remember a single time when you have been slow to send one of these translations back. You're always right on time. That's really impressive and inspires a lot of confidence. Really super helpful to just be able to rely on you to make these important translations happen like clockwork. Thank you." —Jeff, Tasting Kitchen Magazine Writer
「我必須說在我的印象中每一次您都準時交付我們的翻譯作品,對於您堅持準時交件的原則,實在令人印象深刻也讓人對合作充滿信心。我們能仰賴您準時交付重要的翻譯內容,順利地完成每次的合作,對我們著實有極大的幫助。"」 -Tasting Kitchen雜誌作家Jeff H.
懷舊與驚喜 Nostalgia and Surprise
新總廚 新氣象 Fresh Take
感受天婦羅的震顫 Good Vibrations
甜蜜之秋 Sweet Season
空前盛況 備受矚目 More Than Before
秋蟹當道 Star of the Season
品酒 品菜 品味坊 Give in to Temptations
為茶癡狂 High on Tea
茶壺?非也。 Beyond the Teapot
葉榮枝的茶香世界 Ip Wing-chi’s World of Tea
珍饈配佳釀 Promising Pairs
捲土重來 Second Time Ground
英格蘭優質豬肉首度登港 The Pig Has Landed
素食新主張 Grassroots
北京烤鴨大對決 Duck Duel
養身美饌 Food Therapy
忠於原味 True Taste
至尊饗宴 The Principal Experience
春色盛宴 Food in Bloom
用菜式 說故事 Food Tells the Story
港點大觀園 Dim Sumptuous
極品英國牛 Great British Beef
一條魚、兩條魚 One Fish, Two Fish
「漾日」水療中心 Crown Spa
Tasting Kitchen (TK)與泰姬陵酒店和捷特航空一同探索古印度之氤氳香氣 Tasting Kitchen (TK) Magazine Partners with Taj Hotels and Jet Airways to Capture the Spice of Old India
葡萄「籽」尊 Seeds of Success
縱橫香港餐飲界的投資大師 Sandeep Sekhri Restaurant Reconnaissance
新年新品味 New Temptations
上流餐館 Upper Class
水晶酒杯世家 Glass Class
驚艷曼谷 Bangkok and Beyond
澳門網出版Tasting Kitchen美食指南 Macau.com’s Tasting Kitchen Launches in Print
至尊寓所 壹號湖畔 Luxury Living at One Central
家居設計創新猷 New Heights in Home Design
市中心辦公室出租 Down town Office Space
鬧中取靜 恬然自適 Life in the Village
腕錶系列 Wrist Watch Series
澳門科學館 Macau Science Museum
美高梅翩蝶館 MGM Butterfly Pavilion
聖保祿教堂遺址 Ruins of St. Paul’s
澳門大熊貓館 Macau Giant Panda Pavilion
精益求精 Raising the Bar
長腿女神 王者出巡 Roll with it
車界經典 流芳百世 Automotive Icon
高效設計 旗艦跑車 Grand Designs
輝煌四載加州夢 California Dreaming
三叉戟傳奇 Trident Tested
量身打造極致奢華 Tailor-made Luxury
優雅與力道兼備 Grace and Power
精品車王 Rolls Royce brand story
桀驁難馴 最「牛」超跑 Taming the bull
璀璨永恆 Rock Stars
寶格麗品牌故事 Bulgari Brand Story
從馬鞍起家的品牌 Saddle Up
完美香氛 Perfect Scents
兩個有名的字母 Two Famous Letters
古馳品牌故事 Gucci brand story
完美藍調 Perfect Blues
移動式盛宴 A Movable Feast
至尊禮讚巴卡拉 Peerless Baccarat
良辰法國餐廳度良辰 Good Times at La Bonne Heure
愛在粉紅雲霧瀰漫中 Red Cocoa Butter Love Clouds
見證草莓奇蹟 Incited by Strawberries to Commit Acts of Pastry Greatness
歡迎光臨! Irasshaimase!
登峰造極 Lofty Ideals
因為平心靜氣 所以獨具匠心 Cepage’s Tranquil Kitchen Produces Delicate, Elegant and Inventive Food
珍饈佳釀新饗宴 A Finer Way to Wine and Dine
正宗北方美饌 True North
澳門網公佈Tasting Kitchen精選食府活動獲獎幸運兒 Macau.com Announces Tasting Kitchen Contest Winners
恰如其分的藝術 An exacting art
冰之淚 Teardrops of Icy Inspiration
歷朝珍饈今朝饌 Dishes of the Dynasty
香港喜迎Ladurée Hong Kong Loves Ladurée
Mirror 法式極品餐廳 Mirror: Among The Fairest of Them All
永利澳門—99麵 99 Noodles – Wynn Macau
澳門餐廳之最 Best of Macau
分享傳統 Sharing Tradition
濱海真空 Seaside Sous-Vide
搭帆船 遊酒吧 Bar Hop by Junk
天際下午茶 SkyCity High Tea
Madam Sixty Ate 即將擁有姊妹餐廳 Madame Sixty Ate Soon to Have a Sister
Brasserie最上乘之選—寶雅座餐廳 Aux Beaux Arts Hits the Brasserie Bullseye
登上澳門之巔 Elevated to the Top of Macau
冰鮮蠔 Oysters on ice
草莓緣未了 Cake Karma
永利澳門—京花軒 Golden Flower – Wynn Macau
麻、辣、鮮、香 任君品嚐 Variety is the spice of life
永利澳門—岡田日式料理 Okada – Wynn Macau
製作美饌從精選食材開始 Great food starts with great ingredients
永利澳門—「霞」酒廊 Cinnebar – Wynn Macau
永利澳門—「炫」酒廊 Bar Cristal – Wynn Macau
酒吧一覽 Bar Venue Listings
跟著澳門網到最棒的運動酒吧,盡情觀賞2012歐洲國家杯足球賽吧! Macau.com Gets the Ball Rolling with the Best Sports Bars for Viewing the UEFA EURO 2012
火熱燒烤 狂歡派對 Sizzle under the Sun
格蘭菲迪與DFS環球免稅店 Glenfiddich DFS
億亮傳媒集團與酩悅軒尼詩帝亞吉歐洋酒攜手揭示約翰走路藍牌調和威士忌私人小酒吧,於澳門隆重上市 The Great Reveal: Ignite Media Group and Moët Hennessy Diageo Team Up to Launch Johnnie Walker Blue Label Private Bar in Macau
品酩星空在口中 Drink the Stars
愉悅享受 盡在庫克香檳 Pleasure in a bottle
釀酒大師欽點之健力士黑啤 The Beer That Puts the Twinkle in Fergal Murray’s Eye
約翰走路藍牌調和威士忌與保時捷設計工作室兩大品牌巨擘聯合鉅獻 Two Iconic Brands Team Up: Johnnie Walker Blue Label Whisky and Porsche Design Studio
以酒會友 夫復何求 Brought Together by Burgundy
梅洛葡萄酒 The Way of Merlot
造訪澳門十大理由! “Top 10 reasons” to visit Macau!
Aomen TV舉辦第三屆年度澳門黃金單身漢拍賣會,為當地慈善事業募得港幣36000元 AomenTV organises the Third Annual Macau Bachelor Auction to raise $36,000 HKD for local charity
澳門玩賽車 Macau Go Karting
直上雲霄 The Only Way is Up
2011亞洲小型賽車公開錦標賽 2011 Asian Karting Open Championship
四季酒店 Four Seasons
音樂人生 A Life of Music
管樂悠揚不輟 And the bands played on
別有洞天的設計饗宴 Undercover Lounging
調酒實驗室 Experimental Mixology
中國酒莊 Middle Kingdom Vineyards
來沏茶 Coming to Tea
換新裝 迎新年 Even Better
Pop-Up隱密酒吧 Pop-Up Speakeasy
澳門食街遊 Macau Gourmet Walk
法式美饌交響曲 An Orchestral Experience
譽瓏軒再添星光 Star Power
麵棧 Mian
經典粵菜 全新演繹 Discovering Cantonese
山本秀正 Hide Yamamoto
美酒即藝術 Vintage Art
陶器會說話 Ceramics That Speak
暢飲五月天 Merry Month of May
精準溫控 「度度精心」 The Nth Degree
當香檳男爵遇上馬術大師 Barons and Masters
名廚星光大道 Seeing Stars
精品酒投資 Wine Appreciation
阿爾薩斯之春 Alsatian Spring
餐飲界的自由之魂 Free Spirits
南非美酒月-- 南非佳釀 不同凡響 Wines That Say SA--South Africa’s Finest
廚「藝」無極 Infinite Artistry
日本駕到皇朝區 Japan Comes to NAPE
意式開胃菜 創新更升級 Raising the Antipasto Bar
意大利夏日風情 Italian Summer
夏日星級饗宴 Summer Stars
食「設」性也 Dining by Design
前進香港 Heading to HK
「龍蝦盛薈」 Lusciously Lobster
稀世臻品 Capturing the Spirit
「醇」金屬 Mellow Metal
澄澈經典 Classic Clarity
庫克香檳 x 雞蛋 Toasting the Egg
澳門金沙酒店 Sands
百變辣椒妙用無窮 The Possibilities of Peppers
巴黎人法式餐廳 Brasserie
「泰」正宗 True to Thai
肉以稀為貴 Rare Meat
碧濤意國漁鄉 Portofino
跨界創意料理 Crossing Boundaries
日本貴族 Japanese Aristocrat
迎向自然 Turning Green
傳奇調酒學 Mythical Mixology
食材勝於一切 Ingredients First
新潮復古聖誕節 New-Fashioned Christmas
巴黎軒 La Chine
「朝」餐廳 Dynasty 8
麗絲玲逢敵手 Riesling’s Rivals
川西凡尼亞紅酒 Transylvanian Red
經典之最 Just the Best
浪漫滿屋 Delectably Romantic
海螯蝦狂想曲 Consider the Langoustine
世界之緣 At the Edge of the World
風情萬種的阿爾薩斯 Alsace Expressions
飲食轉型 Changing Courses
傳奇不朽 Continuing the Legend
維也納日式餐廳 Viennese Japanese
精緻演繹 盡在永利 Fine Dining the Wynn Way
蔬食盛宴 Plant-Based Pleasures
奢華極簡風 Sumptuous Simplicity
澳門追「星」 Masters in Macau
土耳其料理大搜查 Istanbul Nearby
豐富傳統 Rich Tradition
忠於原味 True to the Fruit
香檳權威 Tastemaker
磅礡問世 High Stakes
築夢者 Dream Maker
打造夢想 Building the Dream
經典款款 Portfolio of Distinction
獨門傳承 經典不滅 From Master to Disciple
Shakedown最終戰強勢登場! Shakedown Shake-Up
悠遊美食銀河 A Galaxy of Delights
北歐式調酒 Mixing Nordic
Gaggenau極致廚房工藝 Gaggenau Culinary Artisans
通往芬蘭之橋 Bridge to Finland
「芬」常道地 Finnishing Up
劇場×牛扒 Steak and Spectacle
三亞文華東方酒店水療中心 The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Sanya
海角軒 Beachfront Fresh
老奶奶的抱羅粉 Grandmother’s Noodles
發揚家鄉菜 Home Free
台灣金融研訓院 Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance | 英翻中 E to C | 書籍 Book
遠流出版社 Yuan-Liou Publishing Co. Ltd. | 英翻中 E to C | 書籍 Book